1/31/2010 - Notes by Jane Witmer
We discussed two chapters – Revelation and Dreams in the current book Common Grace by Anthony B. Robinson. Also, one should note that this author is scheduled to join our group in person on Sunday, February 28.
Conversation centered on the author’s discussion about choice. He asserts that we do not have choice over what comes our way. Tom Ward expressed concern about those who feel life’s events are preordained and when things go wrong, lose faith. Several members commented that we may not have a choice about what events come at us in life, but we have a choice in how we respond or deal with those events. The last two lines of the chapter supported our discussion and are as follows, “For the most part, we can’t control what life brings us. It is, however, up to us how we respond to life. Something is being asked of us.” We also discussed the importance and the challenge of slowing down enough to allow ourselves to experience a revelation. In other words, slow down and listen, because God is still speaking!
The chapter called Dreams helped us link subconscious awareness of God’s messages to conscious awareness in the form of a revelation. We discussed whether or not people can control or direct their dreams and what impact that might have. Frances G. talked about developing an awareness of the theme of your dreams. Once again, ask yourself, “Is God speaking to me?”
Thea, Charles, and Dan talked about practicing “praying the scripture” as recommended in previous chapters. Ask if you are curious about what that means!
The next session will focus on the next 3 chapters.
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