Sunday, September 19, 2010

Adult Spirituality Group Notes: 9/19/10

Not having attended BCUCC in a while, I was drawn last night to study Chapter 14, "Nonfiction vs. Fiction vs. Cosmic Illusion". Bra~Brah~Dum! It turned out that was what we were to read....

We right away spoke of our answers to the author's pop quiz, a series of paragraphs we were to categorize as either fiction or nonfiction:
"All the quiz was nonfiction." - Rose Bailey
"The author's message was to point out that writing isn't necessarily fiction or nonfiction." -Pastor Dan
"Only science & math approach is nonfiction." - Tom Ward
"Only science & math approach finds truths, not necessarily solutions." -Pete Bailey
"Yeah! I'm enthralled by to find out the latest science. Check out - Scientific truths are all hypotheses, as we don't know all like the Creator does." -Day Murti

(Hmm... Is there a Creator? We digressed to question the retired Cambridge University physics professor Steven Hawking recent assertion that a Creator wasn't required for the Universe to occur. Find out more at -

Pastor Dan brought the group back to the book, noting "It is human to want facts and clarity, but the reality is that there is a lot of mystery. We create mysteries and then we try to solve them. The author of "God Laughs & Plays" is intrigued by the Christian paradox that by losing your life, you gain everlasting life."

There was a long discussion of the conflict provoked by a Gainesville Florida pastor burning Korans. Check out David Horsey's insightful cartoon -

NEXT WEEK: Chapter 15, "Assailed - Improvisations in the key of cosmology"
NEXT BOOK: is authored by UCC pastor John Indermark and will be passed out next Sunday.