Sunday, April 21, 2013

Adult Spirituality Group notes

Pastor Dan noted, "The author is right now trying to explore different prayer modalities, how many ways there are to come to God."  For example, in response to our earlier request, Thea offered to the group her heart reflections, What Prayer Means to Me, from a lifetime of refinement of prayer practice:
"Prayer is a habit of awareness; a joy of praise and gratitude; warm communication with God; is meant to be part of our lives like breathing, thinking, and talking; a joyous meeting with God; an uplifting experience of spiritual nature; the love of God and fellow man; is love; active work on God's side; moves God; fulfillment and enrichment; happy habit of companionship, and compassion.  Prayer is the soul's sincere desire and need; connecting with an embracing spirit that fills you completely with a better you."
This led into a rich talk about the nature of God, that one's trying to relate to.  How is communicating to God different than speaking with a psychological therapist?  How is God part of my essential self, versus, how is God another like a counselor?  How is prayer cognitively active problem solving & dialogue, versus, how is it lowering the volume of the surrounding static through silent bonding & merging?
For next week, read Chapter 5 (p. 56-69), which will end the first section of the book, "Keeping Company With God".  Also, please try to set aside a time/space for a nugget of concentrated alone time with prayer. 

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